Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
Morgan Donato Gene Donato
Morgan Donato
Morgan Donato Ame Goldman
Morgan Donato and Harley
Morgan Donato


Author Archive for: ‘Daddy’

  • The Best of Both Worlds!


    Morgan continues to do well.  So well in fact, that she was able to go to the Hanna Montana concert with tickets given to her by her friends at Children Hospital.  Thanks CHOP!  Morgan had to wear her mask on the way in, and was …

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  • Creations by Morgan


    [kaltura-widget wid="cxetzvkzh4" width="410" height="364" addpermission="3" editpermission="3" /] [kaltura-widget wid="7kzhf5iask" width="410" height="364" addpermission="3" editpermission="3" /]Morgan is now on a much better road to recovery!  She has managed to get through the dreaded GVHD, (for the most part), and her personality, and happy disposition are making a …

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  • Bee Healthy!


    I wanted to expand on Ame’s post a little, and give everyone an update on Morgan’s progress.  It’s been a slow recovery for Morgan, but she is making a strong comeback.  You may have noticed that there have been no new pictures of Morgan posted …

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  • Recovery!


    Well it’s time for an update!  Apologies for the delay, the fourth of July weekend was a whirlwind to say the least.  Morgan again, true to form, gets out of the hospital early, on Thursday instead of Friday because she is doing so well.  The …

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  • Happy Birthday Morgan!


    Happy Birthday Morgan! Tuesday June 23rd was Morgan’s 8th birthday which we celebrated in the Hospital.  It was bittersweet because Morgan was still having great difficulty with the pain, and depression caused by her GVHD flare-up but still tried to enjoy it the best she …

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  • Over The Top!


    Again Morgan amazes us!  Her goal is to hit an ANC count of 200, maintain it for 2 days, and her cell count needs to be at 50.  Once she hits those numbers she just needs to be weaned off her meds, and eat and …

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  • The Counts are In!


    Well, the counts are in, and Morgan’s ANC is puttering around just below the magic number of 200, where she needs to be for a couple of days before we can go home. She continues to be in great spirtis, but is getting a little …

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