Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
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Morgan Donato

My Blog

Down for the count…


Morgan’s counts have finally come down.  Now we have to wait for them to come up before we can leave.  This was expected, and what we were waiting to happen.  Morgan will be a little more sleepy and sick for the next day or so.  She’s in “lockdown” until the counts come up, so visits to the playroom for hours on end and playing Wii are limited to about 1 hour a day, so she is a little down – so the visits from friends are a huge pick-me-up.

Thanks to Jason, Josh, Olivia, Aden, Grammy, Pop Pop, and Aunt Debbie (from St. Louis!) for visiting over the weekend.  Thanks to Tr. Carol, Kellie,  Aunt Kathleen and Grandma Nato for visiting today!

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