Morgan Donato Camp Simcha
Morgan Donato Gene Donato
Morgan Donato
Morgan Donato Ame Goldman
Morgan Donato and Harley
Morgan Donato

My Blog

…I am a warrior…


We are still in Hotel CHOP, hopefully out by tomorrow or Wednesday. Waiting on potassium levels. Last report from the docs is that it may NOT have been sepsis. Her symptoms posed as sepsis, but may have been caused by low adrenaline levels. Working a plan, that seems to be making things happen in the right direction.

There are draw backs from every therapy, as Morgan’s body has been through a crap load of therapies. Her bones are washed out from the steroids, her weight is low – but climbing, her eyes get blurry and dry, her skin continues to crack, then heal, her hairline fracture of the femur will be a slow recovery…and the list goes on. She has her moments of cranky – which she is SO entitled to have. Then, she pulls a picture like this out, and it makes me realize the fight she still has – or least, that is my interpretation

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