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Morgan Donato

My Blog

Silent night…


So last night was pretty quiet..which is a good thing. We are on the same program as last time with the road map of where we need to be on this second times the charm journey. We are working toward getting Morgan to remission within the next 30 days. The one change in her road map is the introduction of an experimental drug called – well actually I don’t remember, but something new that they have seen success with.

As of last night, her counts are where the doctors were hoping they would go, so it seems the drug is doing what they had hoped. Morgan did get 3 shots in her legs yesterday while with her dad, but was on some pretty great drugs to get her through it…wish they had brought some extra for the parents. She gets those shots 2 more times – yuck.

As of today, she has laughed a few times AND had some bagel and whitefish – THAT’S MY GIRL. She is currently trying to beat Keli at a game of Old Maid. As for visitors, this week is a great week to visit – IF YOU ARE HEALTHY. Just text me first before you come just to make sure it is a good day.

Here’s MY plan…when it’s a good day, we celebrate it and enjoy it the best way we can…when it’s not, we fight to get to the next good day.

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