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Morgan Donato

My Blog

Happy Birthday Morgan, and many more…


Playing catch up here (my dad has been harping on me to update)…so let’s go back in time shall we!  We were “released” from the hospital on Morgan’s Birthday, June 23.  We left in a wheelchair, as Morgan has lost all use of her leg strength.  Carrying her up and down 3 flights of stairs has not been too bad – For Now.  Her spirits at time of release were very low.  She had become very quiet and reserved, and smiles had been non-existant.  It did not get better at home, and eating had become very challenging.

We had her 10th Birthday at Franklin Square, as per Morgan’s directions and request.  Approximately 60+ friends and family came out to celebrate.  Although she was unable to participate, she enjoyed watching everyone play and have a good time.

Morgan is quite lonely at home, with just mom…but we make due.  We bake, cook, watch tons of movies and cooking shows.  When her dad is on watch duty, you would swear they were about to feed an army.  Unfortnately, she was enjoying baking/making the food, but not eating.  We had been going to the hospital 3 days a week for platelet and blood transfusions.  She still had not picked up a crayon or marker to draw, and was not gaining weight (but not loosing either).

Around the time of MY Birthday (July 10…btw), Morgan seemed to turn a corner. She was beginning to have some conversations, she cooked up a storm, and even ate some!  The biggest turn was the pick-up of her pencil and markers!  Morgan began to draw!!  Paint Pottery has become a cathardic remedy for her as well.

We still are not walking, physical therapy keeps getting kicked to the curb due to that amount of transfusions.  TODAY, we hopefully are having an at-home session with a physical therapist.  As of Fridays visit to clinic, Morgans platelets are a little stronger!  We still need the transfusions, but the numbers are going in the right direction.  Her eating is getting better and better…today started with hashbrowns, followed by homemade peanutbutter cup cookie, pasta with red sauce, smoked salmon, cheese curls and chocolate milk (all before noon)…Happy Birthday!

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